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Public Release는 DJ이자 디자이너로 알려진 Eugene Whang의 레코드
레이블로, 2009년부터 LP, EP, 리믹스 등 27여개의 다양한 음반을
Eugene Whang은 최근까지 Apple사의 디자이너로
활동했으며 현재는 샌프란시스코, 뉴욕, 도쿄, 그리고 서울에서 세계적인 DJ,
“Eug”로서 Earth Boys, Lauer, Khotin, Licaxxx, Kim Ann Foxman, Soulwax
등의 다양한 아티스트와 작업하며 그의 음악적 영감을 새로운 영역으로
확장하고 있습니다.
Public Release는 양보다는 질에 집중하며, 특정한
형식에 얽매이지 않고 완전히 독특하고 유기적인 접근을 이어왔습니다.
Public Release is the record label of Eugene Whang, known as a DJ and
designer, and has released over twenty-seven records; LP’s, EP’s, and
Eugene worked as a prominent industrial designer at Apple
for many years, and also works as a DJ under his nickname “Eug”.
He is based in San Francisco, and plays regularly in SF, New York,
Tokyo and more frequently Seoul.
Eug has released music with
artists such as Earth Boys, Lauer, Khotin, Licaxxx, Kim Ann Foxman,
Soulwax and many more.
The label, Public Release, has constantly
worked in a unique and organic approach without being tied to a
particular cadence, or schedule.

thisisneverthat® × Public Release 협업은 Public Release의 정체성이자
방향성인 “Feel It”을 테마로 합니다. DJ들이 주로 사용하는 DJ백, 후디 등
편안하게 착용할 수 있는 아이템으로 구성되며, 한국에서의 첫 협업이라는
점에서 의미가 깊습니다.
The collaboration of thisisneverthat® × Public Release is based on the
theme of “Feel It” and “Feeling”, the identity and direction of Public
Release. It consists of pieces such as a DJ bag for headphones and
managing USB sticks, hoodies, tees, and other accessories. This has
particular significance in that it is their first collaboration in