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Continue Shoppingthisisneverthat stands United Against Anti-Asian Hate
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thisisneverthat stands United Against Anti-Asian Hate. Along with our friends
at @bodega, @awakenewyorkclothing, @carharttwip, @koreatown, @pleasures &
@prmtvo, we are working together to create lasting change by fundraising for
@stopaapihate and the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund
(@aaldef). We’ll be doing a presale of a collaborative fleece hoody for 72
hours on starting on Tuesday April 6 Noon(est). All proceeds
will go to helping destroy the racist structures that harm our community.
현재 북미에서 확산되고 있는 ‘반 아시아계 증오 범죄’에 대응하고자 @bodega,
@awakenewyorkclothing, @carharttwip, @koreatown, @pleasures & @prmtvo와
함께 이번 프로젝트를 진행하게 되었습니다. @stopasianhate과 비영리단체인 Asian
American Legal Defenses & Fund (@aaldef)를 위한 모금 활동의 목적으로
진행되는 이번 프로젝트에 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.